
Auction 160 Highlights

Welcome to Smalls Auctions Sale 160.

In this Sale we have on offer a wide range of collectable including coins, banknotes, jewellery, militaria and historical medals.

There are many highlights at affordable levels including Press Passes to Australia’s Federation ceremonies, Communion Tokens which in another age were used to stop pesky Catholics from sneaking into Protestant Church services and even a commemorative medal for the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge struck from a surplus rivet. All of these items, as well as others on offer, were utilitarian objects that have progressed through time to being sought after collectables in their own right.

It is often through reminiscing about the things that we used in our early years that sparks an interest to collect later on in life when we are more established. Technology moves so fast these days those common staples such as coins and banknotes that have been used for millennia are in danger of being superseded in a relatively short time. Just like stamps which were dealt a death blow by the arrival of the email will this fate befall tangible currency like coins and banknotes with the onslaught of electronic fund transfers and cryptocurrencies. It might be the time to put away some affordable examples in memory of the good old days.

Smalls Auctions